Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Session 1 Demo

During Session 1 of my new Theory & Practice classes, we studied the theory and use of color in oils and then spent five weeks working on individual paintings.  As an ongoing demo I worked on a head and shoulders painting of Rita, our fabulous model, for one to two 20 min. sittings per class.  These are some snapshots of the various stages each week (minus stage 4).

Session 2 begins tonight and there are still a few spots available.  We will be studying how to depict our 3D world on a 2D surface (covering such things as measurements, proportions, perspective, and such.)  In a nutshell, we will observe nature as though looking through a sheet of glass a la Leonardo daVinci's description of 'perspective'.  "Perspective is nothing else than the seeing of an object through a sheet of glass, on the surface of which may be marked all the things that are behind the glass."

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